Use "symbolism|symbolisms" in a sentence

1. Similarly, God’s use of symbolisms has not been without purpose.

2. Chickadee Meanings and Symbolism

3. Symbolism in Revelation 1

4. Art Movements - Realism - Suprematism - Surrealism - Symbolism.

5. To introduce ideas of symbolism.

6. Their headquarters is rich in symbolism.

7. This hymn is full of symbolism.

8. Serban's work is strewn with symbolism.

9. Framed Armorial History and Symbolism - Black $60.95

10. Religious symbolism is preferred for each day.

11. The account is presented as history, not symbolism.

12. In Bible symbolism, leaven denotes sin or corruption.

13. Were you able to penetrate the author's symbolism?

14. The symbolism of weeping eczema seems obvious.

15. Framed Armorial, Symbolism and Large Tile - Brown $69.95

16. Christian churches are still full of pagan symbolism.

17. 13 Were you able to penetrate the author's symbolism?

18. At this point the story abounds in Freudian symbolism.

19. The Mérode Altarpiece abounds in theological symbolism

20. When he criticized American dream, he was utilizing plenty of symbolism.

21. Through metaphor and symbolism, Thoreau discusses the importance of nature.

22. I need to learn more about the symbolism of the pentagram .

23. Learn more about the history and symbolism of the Cross.

24. Blackbird shows up in the symbolism of the Plains Indians

25. Religious symbolism is very characteristic of the paintings of this period.

26. Pomp, pageantry and symbolism mark the first day of this visit.

27. A very obvious example can be found in colour symbolism itself.

28. Spenser's stories, if superficially trifling, are yet justified by the symbolism.

29. The symbolism is complicated and relies on a great deal of background information.

30. Understanding of the religious symbolism was required to interpret the statues correctly.

31. Design museum director Deyan Sudjic said torch was triumph of symbolism and beauty "

32. His work on dreams and symbolism has proved valuable in clinical work.

33. David Pountney s production melds lyrical symbolism with unflinching realism to unforgettable effect.

34. The indication is of the colorimetric and/or alphanumerical and/or symbolism type.

35. Context questions: Understand some of the key accounts, individuals, time periods, and symbolism.

36. Much of today’s heavy metal rock music is saturated with satanic messages and symbolism.

37. Historian of Symbolism Naomi Maurer describes him as having the "iconic tranquility of Buddha."

38. The Arabs developed algebra in ordinary language without the use of any symbolism.

39. 26 But when Christians use imagery like this they betray their misunderstanding of apocalyptic symbolism.

40. The scene is so rich in symbolism that any explanation risks spoiling the effect.

41. The symbolism of blue-green and faience for creation and rebirth is evident here.

42. The women sometimes seem dedicated to beauty and art, both for personal adornment and spiritual symbolism.

43. These go beyond symbolism. They underline the deep and affectionate bonds between the two countries.

44. 19 The scene is so rich in symbolism that any explanation risks spoiling the effect.

45. Sound symbolism means that we can often guess the meaning of a word from its sound.

46. Case studies on Dadaism, decadence, fauvism, neo-impressionism, symbolism, and various Anarchisms explore the influence

47. Archaic, too, are the associations-by-analogy of unconscious fantasy, and so is their symbolism

48. Both use communist symbolism, but in practice support the mixed economy and rule of law.

49. Jackson used Russian imagery and symbolism to promote the sense of fear and alienation in the track.

50. A rose’s symbolism varies by the color of the rose and how many roses are given

51. Art and symbolism demonstrates a capacity for abstract thought and imagination necessary to construct religious ideas.

52. Symbolism Badge / Insignia The star is of a type favoured by Canadian regiments in Victorian times.

53. And standing exactly at this point every day made my realize the symbolism behind this anamorphic piece.

54. Trade-union development did, however, impart a literary dimension for all its continued employment of ritual and symbolism.

55. (Revelation 5:8; 8:3, 4; Leviticus 16:12, 13) This symbolism underscores the sacredness of prayer.

56. Its symbolism is vast, but ultimately the Chuppah represents a couples first home that they will build together.

57. And the ancient male - female symbolism is being re - interpreted in dozens of new sari - tying methods .

58. The symbolism of the seven trumpets is wonderfully illustrated by the account of the capture of Jericho.

59. But human ingenuity and intelligence, plus what may amount to an instinct for symbolism, comes to the rescue.

60. Later, some of the "heavy metal" groups began adopting much of the trappings, symbolism and rhetoric of Satanism.

61. The star that led the Magi to Christ recalls the rich symbolism of light, vividly present at Christmas.

62. The phonetic sequences involved in either onomatopoeia or sound symbolism are clearly not to be considered semantic constituents.

63. The trenchant symbolism of his pictures is essentially alien to the Dada conception of randomness and fortuitous juxtaposition.

64. The influence of the symbolism of the Bestiaries is plainly seen in the various forms of medieval intellectual life

65. Chipmunk Meaning and Messages In this case, Chipmunk symbolism is letting you know to save for the rainy day

66. • The press, in its Callous, cynical way, was suspicious of the pro-gram at first and called it pure symbolism

67. Against this beautiful backdrop of spring and its symbolism of hope, there is a world of uncertainty, complexity, and confusion.

68. Chickadee symbolism was predominantly made by tribes that live in North America and southern parts of South America

69. Anemone tattoos are usually associated with powerful symbolism -such as protection against disease, bad wishes, and even evil

70. Symbolism Badge / Insignia The gold disc resembles a coin, and thus refers to Mr. Ripstein's career as an accountant.

71. The display or use of Nazi symbolism such as flags, swastikas, or greetings is illegal in Germany and Austria.

72. The Crow symbolism also amplifies your power of sight and any connection you may have with magic in your life.

73. These are the symbolism and metaphors for which I live, and which makes "The Atoning" a cut above

74. They had an equal appeal to artists and designers of the Romanticism and subsequent Symbolism movements in the 19th century.

75. Although Allegories use symbols, they are distinct from "symbolism", and are best thought of as a very complex metaphor

76. Hence the months from Simanu (Sivan) to Teshritu (Tishri) are accounted for in Christian symbolism thus eliminating the Babylonian.

77. The symbolism was obvious, as the rebel leader removed bullets from his gun in front of hundreds of cameras.

78. Their use of shocking violence, exploitation of distorted but powerful religious symbolism and absolutism presents a grave challenge to peace.

79. At least I got to know some of the background to the paintings; the symbolism and the profundity of meaning.

80. The second level, that of poetic or dream symbolism, is inherent in all folk-tales, traditions and motifs of regeneration.